It’s sad but it’s true: most of the people I know don’t like their jobs. In fact, I have a few friends who actually claim they hate their jobs. I’m proud to be an exception to the rule—I love what I do for a living. As you probably already know, my primary business is affiliate marketing and I firmly believe 100% that it’s a great work option for anyone out there who wants to run their own online business.
It’s taken me a couple of years to get to the point where I’m at now, but I’d estimate that I currently spend an average of five hours per week managing my affiliate marketing business. A lot of people who want to start their own businesses want to escape the rat race. The ability to make your own schedule is definitely a great perk, but there are also dozens of other advantages to running an online business in addition to flexibility. I’ve covered a few of the other advantages below.
#1. It’s Easy to Get Started With Little Cost Involved
Most businesses require a lot of time to set up and a lot of start-up capital, but if you’re starting an online affiliate marketing business you don’t have to wait days or even weeks to get started. You could do it right now. I don’t recommend it, but you could start an online affiliate marketing business without spending a dime. All you have to do is install a free blog, choose an affiliate link, and start promoting your offer!
Instead, though, I suggest registering your own domain as opposed to using a free blog service like Blogger—it will only cost you a few bucks and your site will look a lot more professional. Potential customers will be willing to trust your opinion a little more if you look as if you didn’t toss your site together in five minutes (even though technically you could.)
#2. There’s Unlimited Income Potential
Online businesses like my affiliate marketing businesses are built on systems. After a bit of trial and error, you’ll be able to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. Once you learn how to “work the system” and tweak things appropriately, you’ll realize what’s earning you money as opposed to what’s costing you money.
Learn to work the system and your income can increase substantially. I can’t promise that you’ll make millions right off the bat, but online affiliate marketing businesses really do have unlimited income potential. It’s possible to earn a steady income and have a nice life as a result.
#3. Online Businesses Can Be Automated
Online businesses are great because they can be automated. As I mentioned above, I’ve reached the point that I don’t have to spend hours upon hours working every day. I recommend doing everything yourself in the beginning because you want to know how the process should work. After a while, though, you can outsource the tasks you don’t like doing yourself.
For example, some people do not enjoy the process of generating website traffic for their business, but that’s okay because it’s a process that can easily be outsourced. You can also hire writers to create web content such as ezine articles and a virtual assistant could easily manage your Twitter, Facebook, and other social media accounts. In fact, you could even hire someone to create videos for YouTube!
#4. You Can Work Anywhere In The World
As long as you have a computer and internet access, it doesn’t matter where you are—if you run an online business, you can work from anywhere in the world. Believe me, because I’m living proof. I just spent seven months traveling through Europe and my affiliate marketing business didn’t suffer a bit. If anything, it improved!
#5. You’re Building An Asset
Any business can be sold to another person. People purchase established stores and restaurants all the time. There’s no reason that an online business can’t be a turnkey operation, too. Once you have things in place, you can sell your business to someone else.
Remind yourself that you’re doing much more than making things better for the time being. You’re building an asset that can be sold to someone else for a profit. By the way, if you ever get to the point that you decide to sell your asset, you can always start all over again with a new online business!
#6. It’s Often “Recession-Proof”
At the moment approximately one-third of the U.S. workforce is unemployed or underemployed. This means that there are a lot of niches that an online affiliate marketing business can benefit from right now. People want to learn how to start a home business, how to find a job, or how to improve themselves. Everyone out there is looking for that edge, even if they’re still employed at the moment.
Your site could be that edge!
#7. It’s Mentally Stimulating
Last but not least, running my online business is fun—especially when I compare it to the few jobs I had back in the day. Right now, I’m the one calling all the shots. I no longer feel like a trained monkey performing whatever tasks are asked of it.
My online business is mentally stimulating and I definitely know that I’m a lot more creative than I’d ever been with any standard 9-to-5 career. I absolutely love my job and wouldn’t go back to my “old life” for anything!
What Are Your Advantages?
These are but a few of the many advantages of running an online business. If you’re already an Internet marketer, I’m sure there are a few things you personally enjoy about this profession. So I’d like to know your thoughts. What are some advantages you’ve experienced so far? Comment below…
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